Shrutlekhan-Advance is a general purpose large vocabulary continuous automatic speech recognition system for Hindi and Marathi languages. It transcribes the spoken words into text. The app can recognize and convert any speaker voice without prior training. Shrutlekhan-Advance is a fully hybrid approach based software that uses AI, machine learning and deep neural network technology.
Speech recognition is pervasive technology and has the potential to make information more accessible to people. It can be used in many applications: Dictation, Voice based command & control system, Personal assistant systems, Speech to Speech system, Interactive gaming, Voice mailing etc. It plays an integral role in today’s AI driven applications and going to be the main modality of digital inclusion across the society.
Salient Features:
• Real time online transcription
• Ease of integration with other applications
• Facility of Audio File Transcription
• Text formatting and editing can be done only by speaking
• Create instant and precise text